Friday, March 9, 2012

Maybe you should be a Nurse...?

You are the most precious, loved little guy... I'm just saying....

I was really sick the other day. Migraine, of which I suffer from occasionally (used to have much more than I do now), and was sick with it. I'd been sick a few times that morning (Tues) and thankfully, I was home from work anyway, but stayed laying low for the day. When you came home from kindergarten, you were pretty quiet (playing with your PSP- which I never liked, BTW), so I got to sleep upstairs in my bed for a while.

I came downstairs to see how my stomach would be if I put some food in it. Not good. I decided to head upstairs soon after to end the night with more sleep. Now, I say this, because it's important. I, usually, tuck you in with either a story (sometimes a 'secret' story--those that I make up as I go along), a song, the Lord's Prayer, or a hug, ... all with the comment "Love you, don't let the bedbugs bite!"
So anyways, I started to get off the couch and say goodnight to everyone, and you put down your PSP (I think you may have been told you'd been on it long enough), came over to me and put your arm around my waist and said, "I'll tuck you in, Gramma".

Off we headed upstairs... me, trying to keep my bucket handy,in case...and you trying to 'help' me up the stairs. Once I got into bed, you were trying to have me turn on the light (light was not good for me), so you could sing me a song. I knew I was gonna get sick (which I did), and you were so concerned for me..."Can I see it, Gramma". "Are you okay?"... Try to puke, not laugh, not be able to talk,,...all at once.  Once I was done getting sick in the bucket, I said I'd be back, I had to get rid of it (I even think you followed me and still wanted to see it"NO, Malakai, It's GROSS!!").

Off we were, back to bed again. This time I knew I wouldn't get sick, so I let you pull up the covers and you leaned over (almost in my face) to sing, very softly... "Abcd, efg, ..." all the way through the song. When you got done, you patted my hand (I wouldn't let you kiss my face right then), blew me a kiss and said "don't let the bedbugs bite. ...I love you. ...Hope you feel better, Gramma"....

How sweet it that?